Therapies for Adults

Coaching is a structured and collaborative process that supports individuals in navigating challenges, setting meaningful goals, and unlocking their full potential.

Through a client centered and goal-oriented approach, coaching provides guidance, accountability, and practical strategies to help individuals enhance their personal, professional, or emotional well-being. By fostering self awareness and resilience, coaching empowers adults to develop clarity, improve decision making, and create positive, lasting change in their lives.

Coaching is a non-therapeutic intervention. It may incorporate elements of psychoeducation and can effectively complement treatments such as medication or psychotherapy, but it is not intended to replace them.

Practitioners that offer Coaching

Dr Emily Troscianko

Dr Emily Troscianko

Age groups:

Children and Adults


Friday afternoons


07786 065175

I’m a recovery coach specializing in supporting individuals recovering from eating disorders or other difficulties with eating, exercise, or body image. My role is to help you identify what you want to change in your life and then help you make that happen—wherever you are in your recovery.My approach has three key emphases:

  1. Behaviour—Making small (or sometimes big!) practical changes in everyday life to find out what kinds of transformation they might lead to.
  2. Agency—Nurturing your capacity to figure things out, make decisions, and articulate goals for yourself.
  3. Identity—Exploring how the little details of your life can be daringly reimagined to shape who you are and become who you want to be.

I am not a therapist, nor do I offer medical treatment. Coaching is a practical approach that may be a better fit for you if you’re ready to reshape your life. I typically work with individuals for a minimum of four weeks, and I offer a range of ways for us to be in touch between sessions to help you stay confident with the changes you’re making and learn as much as possible from them.

I’m a Senior Practitioner accredited by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council, with a background in research in the health humanities, consciousness studies, and the science of eating disorders. I also write extensively on these topics, including for Psychology Today and as co-author of Consciousness: An Introduction.

Beyond recovery coaching, I offer academic coaching for students, researchers, and faculty who want to change their work/life habits and attitudes or navigate a career transition. These areas have many overlaps with recovery-focused work, and if you wish, I’ll be happy to explore an approach that combines the two.

If you’re interested, you can visit my website to schedule a free 30-minute discovery call. I look forward to exploring how we could work together.